Pizza verde with mild goat cheese
Basic crust:
1 1/2 cups (first clear) flours
1/2 cake of yeast
1 tsp. sugar
1/2 cup lukewarm milk
3 tbsp. butter
Basic topping:
2 oz. (60g) Landana goat cheese MILD
1 package/can tomato diced tomatoes (16 fl oz.)
pizza spices
Spinach topping:
2 1/2 tbsps butter
2 garlic cloves
4 cups deepfreeze leaf spinach
ground white pepper
grated nutmeg
7 oz. (200g) cooked ham cut into slices 1/8 inch thick
Preparation Method:
Make a traditional yeast dough from the pastry ingredients. After allowing to rise twice, roll into a floured thin flat crust on a baking sheet. Finely grate cheese and sprinkle over the crust, Spread the dices tomatoes over the cheese and shake pizza spice mixture over everything.
Heat butter in a large pot, crush peeled garlic cloves into it and sauté very briefly. Add the frozen spinach, cover and allow to thaw over medium heat. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg, and spread over crust. Cut ham into strips and place evenly over the spinach. Grate Landana and sprinkle over the pizza.
Allow pizza to rise in an oven preheated to 125° F for 10 min. Then bake at 400° F for 25–30 min (for a vegetarian pizza, this topping tastes superb without the ham).